DK INSPIRE Named place

Danish Named Place data contain names on everything from the tree “Konge egen” and the city center to the peninsula Jutland. There are 140,000 Danish Named Places in total, all registered with a geographical location as a point, line or polygon that describes the geographical distribution of the Named place.

The Authority provides a worldwide, free, non-exclusive, and unlimited right of access to data, which is free, inter alia. can: copied, distributed and published, changed and compounded with other material - Used commercially and non-commercially. Data may not be used in such a way that the authority may approve, support, recommend or market the user, the user's products or services. It must be ensured that the use of data is in accordance with Danish law.

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Metadata sidst opdateret maj 29, 2024, 07:37 (UTC)
Metadata oprettet juni 3, 2020, 06:31 (UTC)
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GUID http://localhost:8080/geonetwork//datasets/557a92cb-8d5a-9957-d480-2cb994184529
Identifier 557a92cb-8d5a-9957-d480-2cb994184529
Opdateringsfrekvens Kontinuerligt
Sprog engelsk
URI http://localhost:8080/geonetwork//datasets/557a92cb-8d5a-9957-d480-2cb994184529
Udgivelsesdato 2015-06-26
Udgivernavn Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure